+852 6171 0601 Cantonese / English / Putonghua
Welcome to Rebalance
At Rebalance, you will be attentively listened to, warmly understood, and positively encouraged. You can freely express yourself, share your thoughts, and raise questions. We will discuss, analyze the situation, and devise solutions together in strict confidentiality. Rebalance's targets include adults and youths.
Please tell Rebalance, are you facing issues and not sure how to handle?
Regain balance in life
We all face stress in life. Sometimes stress gets more and more serious, and we develop "depression" or other emotional symptoms. But many times, it is about striking a balance in life and with our emotions, it requires our immediate actions.
Families and friends care about us but they are also busy, they do not often have enough time to help. In some cases, we have personal matters that are difficult to share with them too. At Rebalance, you will have your own space and time, we will face problems together upon your needs confidentially.
There are positive, neutral, and negative moments in life, but the negative matters always take up a lot of our time, energy, and drain our emotions. However, if we re-think about the matters, rebalance our emotions, time, and effort, we can find an equilibrium point where we feel comfortably balanced, so as to move on.
This is not magic; medication does not solve all the problems either; we need to work on it together, there are always ways out.
Pain and purpose are two sides of the same thing. A person struggling with depression is very likely a person yearning to feel fully. A socially anxious person is very likely a person yearning to connect with others. You hurt where you care, and you care where you hurt.